Doorbell ringing from an old cell phone. Making a wireless doorbell with your own hands What can you use to make a doorbell in your apartment?

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This sound effect You can create a circuit using two timer chips.

The first oscillator is tuned to a frequency of 1 Hz, and the second is modulated by a changing signal from the output of the first. The frequency of each generator can be changed by resistances R1 and R2. Resistor R1 can be used to regulate the speed of switching from one tone to another, and resistor R2 can regulate the tone of the sound signal. The speaker is designed for an impedance of eight ohms.

Nowadays there are a wide variety of low-power communication devices on sale that are available without registration, such as VHF pocket radios, radio-controlled toys, and recently radio alarms have also appeared. In general, the amateur radio design is very interesting in terms of its breadth of application. It consists of two blocks - a remote control button and the signaling device itself.

A relay is connected to the anode of the thyratron, for example RES6), the rear contacts of which are connected in parallel to the contacts supplying a regular doorbell. To protect against false positives sensor and ignition of the thyratron, a parametric stabilizer is used, built on a zener diode VD1 and ballast resistance R3.

The sensor is made of aluminum rivet, the resistance R1 and the thyratron are located in a small housing. To indicate the activation of the sensor, a hole is made in the housing opposite the thyratron. When you touch the “rivet” the thyratron will flash brightly. Adjusting the circuit of the sensor device consists of setting the variable resistance R5 to a voltage of 170 V on the oxide capacitor at a minimum mains voltage; such voltage can be supplied using an autotransformer. The design is borrowed from No. 6 1990.

The design consists of a control generator, on elements D1.1-D1.3 digital IC K155LAZ, generating control pulses, the frequency of which is determined by the nominal value of capacitance C1 and resistance R1

At given ratings, the generator switching frequency is 0.7...0.8 Hz. Pulses from it are sent to tone generators and, in turn, connect them to a ULF assembled on a transistor. The first generator is built on elements D1.4, D2.2, D2.3 and generates pulses with a repetition rate of 600 Hz, the second generator consists of D2.1, D2.4, D2.3 and operates with a frequency of 1000 Hz, which is regulated by selecting the SZ , R3. The sound volume is adjusted by R5.

The design is easy to assemble and adjust. The basis is three master sawtooth voltage generators, each of them operating at its own frequency.


where C1 is in farads, R1, R2, R3 is in ohms. The signals from the output of all three generators are mixed and sent to an amplifier, which is loaded into an eight-ohm load.

The first design replaces the door bell and is triggered when the door is opened, reacting to even a slight change in its position, while in the other there is no question about connecting it

Limiting the time the doorbell sounds

As you know, they are turned on by a button at the door and work as long as the button is pressed. If the button is accidentally shorted, which happens when it is made from low-quality plastic, or it is specially shorted, for example, with a match, then the bell will work continuously. The call is not designed for this mode of operation. At best, it will burn, and at worst, a fire is possible.

When the caller holds the button down for a long time, the long ringing gets on the nerves, so it is advisable to limit the sound time to 5-7 seconds. The time limit design described below allows this to be done.

This is how the circuit works. When you press the SB1 button (at the door), voltage is supplied through the normally closed contacts K1.1 to the bell. It starts to sound. At the same time, voltage is supplied to the chain R1, VD1, K1, C1. Initially, C1 represents a short circuit for current limited by resistor R1. Capacitor C1 begins to charge through R1, VD1. After a few seconds, C1 will charge to the operating voltage of relay K1. The relay is activated, contacts K1.1 are opened and the bell is disconnected from the network. When the SB1 button is released, capacitor C1 is discharged through the relay coil K1. When the voltage on C1 becomes less than the release voltage of relay K1, it will return to its original state, contacts K1.1 will close and you can call again. By selecting R1 and C1 you can adjust the sound time of the signal.

Scheme of one bell for two doors

If an apartment or house has two entrances, it is not always clear where the call is coming from. This design will save us from this drawback. When button S2 is pressed, the relay is self-locking. At the same time, the second indicator lamp lights up. The bell will ring until the capacitance C1 is charged to the supply voltage level. If the signal needs to be reapplied, S2 is released and C1 is discharged through the winding. Lamp H2 continues to light until S3 is open.

If guests press the S1 button, the bell sounds in parallel with the H1 indicator lamp turning on. The duration of the sound is one second, the pause is 2 seconds.

Old push-button mobile phones are long outdated and almost out of circulation. However, there are many ways to give such a phone a second “life” rather than sending it to scrap or a landfill. Today we will consider one of these ways to put this miracle of the 90s into action. Recently they brought me a whole package of old and broken phones. For spare parts. In this pile there were also modern smartphones with dead batteries, drowned and broken, there were also completely working push-button phones, which they decided to get rid of only because they are unpresentable today appearance. And just at almost the same time, my doorbell, which I had assembled with my own hands and had served flawlessly for many years, “cracked up.” This circumstance prompted me to think; why not repurpose an old work phone to replace your front doorbell. And then - there are more advantages from such a call than from an ordinary one: in addition to the pleasure of assembling and subsequent use of something made with your own hands, you can put sounds and melodies on the signal as you wish, the volume can be adjusted, and so on... By choosing push-button telephone with a music player and powerful speakers, I got to work.

Will need

  • Push-button telephone with mp3 player.
  • Soldering iron (with flux and solder).
  • Copper wires.
  • Screwdrivers (flat and Phillips).
  • Secondary glue.
  • Insulation (insulating tape or thermal tubes).
  • Stationery knife.
  • Scissors.

Making a doorbell from an old cell phone

So, let's disassemble the phone. We take out the battery, unscrew the screws (if any), and use a flat-head screwdriver to remove all the parts fastened with latches.

Now we find the “play/pause” button in the place where the player control panel was, and disassemble the button so that it does not interfere with the future soldering of thin wires to its contacts.

Solder to the wiring contacts.

It is necessary to immediately grab them with a second glue to the base (to the microcircuit) so that they do not fall off in the future, because the contacts are small and, accordingly, the soldering area is too. The work is quite intricate and painstaking, but that makes it all the more interesting! By the way; If your phone did not have separate player buttons, you can use the “OK” button. If everything went well, we put everything back together. We install all the components and the housing in place, not forgetting to bring out the soldered wires.

Now turn on the phone. We load any sound you need onto the signal (for example, I put a bird). Select the player from the menu.

Don’t forget to turn off the melody repeat (if you had it turned on), otherwise when you press the call button, it will play it until the battery runs out, or someone turns it off.

Next, you need to find some kind of contactor (button) for the wires brought out from the player.

You will also need a double wire of the required length - from the button, which will be outside, to the telephone located at home. My problem with the button resolved itself: I just used the old one, from an old broken bell.

Electronic call

When power is applied to the circuit, the beep, very similar to a bird's trill. Power is supplied through the bell button. Power source - 9V battery. Transistor operating mode DC set by resistor R1. Generation depends on C1 and C2, as well as the inductance of the primary winding of the transformer. The transformer was taken as a ready-made output from an old transistor receiver “Yunost”. In principle, a transformer from any transistor receiver with a push-pull transformer ULF is suitable. Any speaker.

Krivlov P. Journal Radioconstructor No. 12-2015

Musical call

This device is the simplest and most economical of all those published in the literature. Basically, such a bell is intended for use as an apartment bell, although it can also find other applications, for example in toys or as an alarm clock bell.

The circuit is based on the BT66T-2L music synthesizer microcircuit (Fig. 1). Inside it has an RC oscillator and a melody generator, which consists of 127 notes and repeats periodically. Elements C1, R2, VT1, VT2 set the sound operating time, and VT3 is the power amplifier. The last transistor is installed only if you need to increase the volume of the sound emitter (BA1 can be connected directly to the output of the synthesizer, as shown by the dotted line).

Rice. 1. Electrical circuit of a musical bell

After pressing the SB1 button, the time the signal sounds depends on the capacitance C1 and the resistance R2 (with the values ​​​​indicated in the diagram, it is approximately 2...3 s). If desired, you can increase the playing time by increasing C1.

Power is supplied from two 1.5 V galvanic elements. In standby mode, power consumption is almost zero, since all transistors are in the off state (will be equal to the leakage current of capacitor C2), so a switch is not required.

Rice. 2. PCB topology and arrangement of elements

To install elements you can use printed circuit board, shown in Fig. 2. Any details will do.

Malyshev S.Yu. Mariupol

Touch room bell

The diagram of the touch-sensitive apartment bell is shown in Fig. 1.

The B1 bell will turn on when you touch the E1 sensor contact, which can be any conductive object electrically isolated from the ground.

When you touch the sensor contact E1, the voltage induced at the base of the transistor VT1 opens it, causing the opening of transistors VT2 and VT3. In this case, bell B1 beeps.

The touch-sensitive apartment bell circuit uses high-voltage transistors, and resistor R1 must have a power of at least 1 W.

Attention! When setting up the device, you must remember that its elements are under dangerous mains voltage!

From the site

Scheme of a touch doorbell on a microcircuit

Transformer T1 is the output transformer from a small transistor radio. Dynamic head BA1 with a power of 0.05-0.5 W with a voice coil with a resistance of 4-50 Ohms.

Power source - Krona, Corundum battery or two 3336 batteries connected in series. The sensor element can be made from foil PCB. The distance between the contact pads should be 1.5...2 mm, and the gap between them should be protected from dirt and moisture with varnish or paint. The shape of the contacts of the sensor element can be any.

Setting up a call comes down to selecting capacitor C1 to obtain the required tone of the sound signal for a specific design of the sensor element.

Rice. 1. Scheme of a touch-sensitive doorbell (a) and its circuit board (b)

I.A. Nechaev. Mass Radio Library, Issue No. 1172, 1992.

Simple doorbell

There are situations when there is a need for a simple doorbell that has sufficient volume and contains a minimum of details. Doorbell circuit shown in the figure, consists of a transformerless power supply with a damping capacitor C1 and a simple audio frequency generator assembled on transistors VT1 and VT2.

Resistor R2 serves to limit the peak current through the bridge diodes VD1...VD4. To start a call, press the SB1 button. A device correctly assembled from serviceable parts does not require adjustment. Capacitor C1 is used type MBGCH, K42-19, K73-17, K78-4. Instead of the transistors VT1 and VT2 indicated in the diagram, you can use transistors of the type MP40, MP41, MP42 And MP36, MP38 respectively. The dynamic head BA1 should have a power of 1-3 W, like 1GD36, 1GD40, 2GDSh9, ZGDSH1.

From the site

Homemade call based on a subscriber loudspeaker

The proposed device is made on the basis of a conventional broadcast loudspeaker, contains a minimum of parts and is capable of delivering a fairly strong sound signal, since the emitter is a speaker. This bell is powered from an autonomous low-voltage source (battery). The device does not consume energy in standby mode and is absolutely safe.

Fig.1. Schematic diagram of a homemade call based on a subscriber loudspeaker.

Due to the small number of parts, there is no point in making a printed circuit board. Installation is carried out using a hinged method. The terminals of the speaker, transformer, and 68-kilo-ohm potentiometer are used as supports for soldering.

The volume control of the base loudspeaker - R1 on the electrical circuit diagram performs the function of adjusting the pitch of the generated signal, which is set at will. The switch (toggle switch, button or other contact connector) is placed in a convenient place at the entrance to the entrance, section on the floor or the entrance door of the apartment.

Any of the low-power germanium MP39 - MP42 is suitable as transistor VT1. The choice of resistor R2 is equally uncritical; the most common VS, MLT, ULM with a rated power of 0.125 W or more are suitable. Capacitor - any type. Elements R1, T1 and BA1 are from the broadcast loudspeaker.

It happens that a correctly assembled bell does not work when the power is connected. Then you should swap the ends of one of the windings of transformer T1. However, the lack of generation at audio frequency It may also be a consequence of substandard transistor VT1. In this case, you will have to replace it with another one that has a higher gain.

If the pitch adjustment range of potentiometer R1 is not satisfactory, then it can be easily changed by selecting the capacitance of capacitor C1. But the sound of this call also depends on the supply voltage. By changing the pitch of the bell, you can also judge the degree of discharge of the power source and promptly change the drained galvanic cell or battery. Just remember to maintain polarity, because the transistor does not tolerate polarity reversals.

V. Besedin, Tyumen

A doorbell is a very convenient device. All apartments and houses are equipped with it, with very rare exceptions. When choosing this device, you need to know what types of connections exist and how to connect them correctly.

Types and types of devices

Depending on the connection method, doorbells are divided into two types:

Wired products on the door operate both from electricity and from an autonomous power source. The button and soundbar of such devices must be connected to each other using wires. Wireless ones do not require physical connection of elements.

According to the type of mechanism, calls are:

  • hammer;
  • buzzer;
  • bell.

They differ from each other in their internal structure and operating principle. But they can work both from the mains and from a battery.

What to pay attention to

When choosing a doorbell, it is better to give preference to a device that has the ability to adjust the volume. One more useful feature– this is the backlight of the button in the dark. It is implemented using a small LED, or luminous materials. When it comes to the appearance of the case and the sound, there are many options on offer. Everything will depend only on your tastes and preferences.

The choice of electrical product depends on whether you will install it in an apartment or a house. They can be two or four wire. The 2-wire button is supplied with 220V voltage, and the 4-wire button is supplied with 5V. Both types can be installed in an apartment. And in a house where the button and wire are exposed to weather conditions (rain, snow, high humidity), only 4-wire devices are installed.

The electric wired bell operates from the network. This is both a plus and a minus. On the one hand, you do not need to constantly monitor the battery charge, as in wireless devices. On the other hand, the device will not function if there is no light. Another disadvantage is the dangerous current, so it is important to be extremely careful when installing.

Connection Tools

Connecting a doorbell yourself is not at all difficult. You just need to know how to do it and have the necessary tools.

  • drill, dowels;
  • construction knife, electrical tape;
  • indicator screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws

Wiring and connection diagram

The operation of an electric bell is not possible without electricity. Therefore, wiring must be connected to the place where the device will be attached. As a rule, wired products operate on an alternating current network with a voltage of 220V. Can use one two-core cable or two single-core. The wire cross-section can be 0.5 square millimeters or more. However, it is not necessary to use thicker wires, since the power consumed by a wired bell is small. The only thing to consider is their material. It must be the same as that used for wiring throughout the entire house or apartment.

The connection diagram for different products is different. As a rule, in all new buildings during construction, wiring is installed for a standard door device. If you are engaged in construction yourself or connecting a wired electric bell is not provided for some reason, then you can choose a product with any possible connection diagram, laying wiring to it.

The standard doorbell connection circuit exactly copies the circuit of an ordinary switch, and, as you know, it is the simplest among all available electrical diagrams. Only instead of a light bulb a sound mechanism is used, and instead of a switch there is a button. Zero is connected to the soundbar, and phase is connected to the button. Moreover, both elements are also connected to each other. When you press the button, the phase is closed and a sound signal is heard.

Installation of the sound mechanism

If all the wires in the apartment are already laid, then installing a doorbell will not take much time. The device operates on current, so you must follow safety rules when working with electrical devices. The connection of the electrical product is carried out only after the power has been turned off in the entire apartment.

The doorbell is connected to the current by connecting its contacts to the apartment wiring. If they are too long, they need to be trimmed and cleaned with a construction knife. Electricians recommend lightly squeezing the already connected wires with pliers so that the connection is more reliable and the contact is better. We isolate the connections and check that everything works. If a four-wire mechanism is connected to two-wire wiring, then the phase and zero that will participate in the connection are determined. The remaining wires are connected to each other and carefully insulated.

If the wired bell works successfully, then it’s time to start attaching it to the wall.

The installation location is usually in the corridor or hallway. At the same time, there should be no radiators or other heating devices within a radius of one and a half meters from the device. At the installation site in the wall, a hole is made with a drill and the sound mechanism panel is attached using dowels and screws. Hidden mounting holes are provided by all device manufacturers. A hole is drilled in the door frame to connect the wires between the sound panel and the button.

Installing a button

The bell button consists of two contacts, one of which is spring-loaded. When you press it, it touches the second, the circuit closes and the mechanism rings. When released, the contacts open.

To install the button, two wires must be supplied, which must be connected to its two contacts. The connections are well wrapped with electrical tape or securely fastened with terminals, depending on how it is provided in your device. And the button itself is attached to the wall using a wooden panel.

Wired call with two buttons

It is not uncommon to encounter a situation when you need to connect two buttons to one call. This is necessary, for example, when there is one common vestibule for several apartments. In this case, one is placed in the vestibule, and the second on the platform in front of the door. The device connection diagram will then have two parallel buttons. When you press any of them, the circuit will close and the mechanism will work.

It is quite possible to connect a doorbell yourself. The whole procedure will take no more than half an hour, provided there is wiring.

There are an incredible number of doorbell models, and each of them can be assembled independently. Installing and connecting a ready-made doorbell is much easier than making your own, but now there are still those craftsmen who prefer to make such a device themselves. To decide which design to choose, it is best to pay attention to technical specifications all types of calls.

The diagram for connecting a door lock to 220V is actually very simple, but before work you need to turn off the electricity, prepare the necessary tools, and put on special rubber gloves.

Choice specific model depends solely on personal preferences, as well as on what parts are available if we are talking about hand-made assembly.

Every person is familiar with how the device works, but what is under its body? A button is placed outside the apartment, through which a signal is sent to a speaker installed inside the room. This is the simplest model you can find on sale.

There are also more modern models that can transmit from a button:

  • Signal;
  • Picture;
  • High definition video.

It is important to remember that working with electricity is not safe, and therefore you need to familiarize yourself with the technical data of the device so as not to encounter a short circuit when connecting.

How to connect a door lock: types of devices

It is much easier to understand what parts may be required and whether the product needs to be connected to 220 volts. A wired bell is a simple design in which all elements, of which there are only 2, are connected via a wire.

Such a product works for a long time, works properly and rarely causes problems, since there is simply nothing in it to break.

Installing a wireless bell is a little more complicated, since you need to take into account the distance between the button and the speaker so that the radio transmission signal is not lost, otherwise the product will not perform its intended task. In addition to the call button and speaker, installation of a power supply is required. In addition, calls are divided into 3 additional groups. In audio, a melody or voice recording is used as a notification.

Video call has:

  • Button connection;
  • Speaker activation;
  • Miniature camera;
  • Anti-vandal coating.

Intercoms allow you not only to notify your home about your arrival, but also to communicate with your opponent, as well as open the door with a button using a special mechanism that connects the lock and the panel installed in the house itself. As a rule, such designs are used only by professional manufacturers, since they must be reliable, of the highest quality and, most importantly, work properly.

Door lock connection diagram

Due to the fact that there are different types of calls, the connection is carried out completely in different ways. Initially, before you start building a doorbell, you need to decide on certain points.


  • His appearance;
  • Connection method;
  • Location.

This determines whether you will need to purchase additional cables, or whether it will be battery-powered, which is much more convenient and also safer, especially for a homemade design. You also need to predict in advance the moment when you need to repair the device, so that you do not have to carry out serious dismantling work, for example, if you sew up a power unit or part of the wires into the wall. If the connection is made to electricity, then access to the product must be open.

The connection diagram of a wireless lock is very simple, and this type of design is most often chosen. First, the call button is installed so that it is convenient for the guest to reach it, and then the location of the speaker is determined, taking into account the range of the radio wave.

To install the elements, it is enough to use bolts or adhesive tape.

To connect a wired call, you will have to work a little more. It is worth considering the fact that it requires pulling a wire to connect 2 elements, and therefore you need to first think about the route of cable placement. It is advisable to lay it through the wall located around the door. This way you won’t need to install a cable channel to disguise it or even hide it under wallpaper or a suspended ceiling, if there is one. As for the connection principle, you first need to bring out 2 ends of the wire, in other words, phase and zero. The power cord is inserted into the speaker housing and secured to the terminals. The second end is connected to the call button, and then an electrical cable is mounted to the bell. Before the tool is put away, it is necessary to test the product for the absence of sparks and proper operation in order to prevent a fire in the absence of residents of the house. Video calls require an additional connection of a panel to view the room outside the apartment and a panel on which the picture will be directly displayed.

Instructions: how to make a doorbell with your own hands

What is a doorbell for? Is it possible to repair the old one or is it easier to assemble a new one? It is worth noting that repair is an interesting business, but assembling a bell with your own hands can bring a lot of pleasure. It is worth noting that it was previously fashionable to use a base in the form of an old telephone that makes a ding-dong sound to make doorbells.

The Soviet apparatus is last century, now they have begun to take the most ordinary children’s toys as a basis, since it is possible to choose:

  • Melody;
  • Operating mode;
  • Volume;
  • Control to decrease or increase volume;
  • Product dimensions.

To make a call with your own hands as simply as possible, you need to prepare a musical toy or even a postcard, a meter-long two-core wire, an indicator screwdriver, and electrical tape. When disassembling the toy, you can find a small circuit board, a chip, a place to install a battery and a speaker. If you take an electric toy that operates by pressure, then it does not contain external button, and the board and speaker are located in a special box inside the product. This box must be very carefully removed and opened, and on the board you can see that very treasured button, which in appearance resembles a rubber tip attached to the contacts of the board.

You need to not only not lose it, but also remember the exact location.

Next, you should pay attention to the wire going to the speaker. It is replaced with a two-core cable. The ends of the cable are stripped on each core. The wires going to the speaker must be carefully trimmed and also cleaned. Actions must be as careful as possible so as not to tear off thin wires from the board. Next, the speaker wires and cable are connected, the other end of which is connected to the board wires. Once the structure is assembled, you need to install a button on the board and check the functionality of the product. To improve the quality of work, you need to insulate the ends with electrical tape. The peculiarity of the design is that it is completely safe, since the probability of a short circuit and fire is 0.

How to connect a doorbell: 2 wires (video)

It is worth noting that building such a product is not difficult, but you need to strictly follow the instructions, observing safety precautions and step-by-step work. Thus, it is impossible to lose either the necessary contacts or get confused in the place where to attach them. Making a bell from a toy is simple, easy and most importantly cheap, and it will last a very long time.

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